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Alternate File Shredder的教程

补充锦囊 完美下载小客服 2021-03-30



Standby file pulverizer can delete the data on your hard disk, and at the same time covering the space available on the drive, so you cannot recover deleted files.



Alternate File Shredder

Alternate File Shredder

软件大小:833.97 KB



  • 用尽各种方法 就是删不掉桌面 shredder图标 哪位老大帮忙啊

    一、常规解决办法: 1.注消或重启电脑,然后再试着删除。 2.进入“安全模式删除”。 3.在纯DOS命令行下使用DEL,DELTREE和RD命令将其删除。 4.如果是文件夹中有比较多的子目录或文件而导致无法删除,可先删除该文件夹中的子目录和文件,再删除文件夹。 5.在任务管理器中结束Explorer.exe进程,然后在命令提示符窗口删除文件。 6.如果你有安装ACDSee,FlashFXP,Nero,Total这几个软件,可以尝试在这几个软件中删除文件夹。 二、高级解决方案: 1.磁盘错误 运行磁盘扫描,并扫描文件所在分区,扫描前确定已选上修复文件和坏扇区,全面扫描所有选项,扫描后再删除文件。 2.预读机制: 某些媒体播放中断或正在预览时会造成无法删除。在“运行”框中输入:REGSVR32/USHMEDIA.DLL,注销掉预读功能。或删除注册表中下面这个键值:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}\InProcServer32]。 3.防火墙: 由于反病毒软件在查毒时会占用正在检查的文件,从而导致执行删除时提示文件正在使用,这时可试着暂时关闭它的即时监控程序,或许可以解决。 4.OFFice、WPS系列软件: OFFice的非法关闭也会造成文件无法删除或改名。重新运行该程序,然后正常关闭,再删除文件。 5.借助WinRAR: 右击要删除的文件夹,选择“添加到压缩文件”。在弹出的对话框中选中“压缩后删除源文件,”随便写个压缩包名,点确定。 6.权限问题: 如果是2000和xp系统,请先确定是否有权限删除这个文件或文件夹。 7.可执行文件的删除: 如果可执行文件的映像或程序所调用的DLL动态链接库文件还在内存中未释放,删除时就会提示文件正在使用,解决方法是删除系统的页面文件,Win98中是Win386.SWP,Win2000/XP是pagefile.sys。注意要在DOS下删除。 8.文件粉碎法: 使用文件粉碎机,如FilePulverizer,可以彻底删除一些顽固文件。

  • 电脑开机出现stop:coooo218{registry file failure}

    “STOP:c0000218 {Registry File Failure}”是一个很典型的错误信息,造成错误的原因是硬盘错误或硬盘损坏。解决办法如下: 1. 从 Windows XP 光盘启动计算机。如果出现提示,请选择从光盘启动计算机必须选择的任何选项。 2. 当提示你选择“修复或故障恢复”时,请按R。这将启动Microsoft故障恢复控制台。 3. 根据提示,键入管理员密码。如果管理员密码为空,则按Enter。 4. 使用chkdsk命令行工具检查硬盘。在命令提示符下,键入chkdk /r,然后按 Enter。 一般情况下经过如上操作就不会再有问题,当然,如果硬盘发生物理损坏,这种办法也不会有效果,如果是这种情况,就只能更换硬盘了。

  • 忍者神龟的M A L R S这些字母有什么用?还有秘籍怎么输入?

    游戏作弊码,password 里面输入的东西。 其中"D" 在 pc版里面改成 "A"   Password notes:   Use the following key when entering the passwords. Note: The codes   have no effect in tournament mode.   L: Leonardo   M: Michaelangelo   D: Donatello   R: Raphael   S: Shredder   Self Recovery:   Enter DRMSRLR as a password. Your character will slowly regain HP.   (慢速恢复HP)   Health:   Enter DSRDMRM as a password. Your character will always have full   health.(一直满血)   Mighty Turtle:   Enter LSDRRDR as a password. Your characters will no longer be hurt by damage.   (无敌??)   Squeaking:   Enter MLDSRDM as a password. Alternate sounds will play when objects are hit.   (当物体被攻击时,声音XXX ???)   Pizza Paradise:   Enter MRLMRMR as a password. All health items will be replaced by   full HP pizzas.(所有含有食物的箱子,里面都变成皮萨)   Toddling:   Enter SSSMRDD as a password. There will be strange sounds when your character walks.   (当你走路的时候会有奇怪的声音)   Super-Tough:   Enter RDSRMRL as a password. All enemies will have their defense   doubled.(敌人防御加倍)   Nightmare:   Enter SLSDRDL as a password. All enemies will have their attacks   doubled.(敌人攻击加倍)   Super Offense Power:   Enter SDLSRLL as a password. Your attacks will be doubled.(我放供给加倍)   Super Defense Power:   Enter LDRMRLM as a password. Your defense will be doubled.(我放防御加倍)   Infinite Shuriken:   Enter RSRLRSM as a password.(无限飞镖)   Lose Shuriken:   Enter RLMRDSL as a password. You will not be able to use shuriken.(禁止使用飞镖)   ***以下为特殊装束*****   New Nexus outfit for Donatello:   Enter DSLRDRM as a password.   New Nexus outfit for Leonardo:   Enter LMRMDRD as a password.   New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo:   Enter MLMRDRM as a password.   New Nexus outfit for Raphael:   Enter RMSRMDR as a password.   ******装束部分结束*******   Playmates unlocked in bonus materials:   Enter SRMLDDR as a password.(我没看明白....)   Fatal Blow:   Enter LRSRDRD as a password. Enemies have one hit kill ability.(敌人有一击杀的能力)   Abyss:   Enter SDSDRLD as a password. You will lose all health after falling.   (直接摔死.....够狠)   Poison:   Enter DRSLLSR as a password. Your character will slowly lose HP.(中毒,慢慢少血)   Challenge Mode Endurance:   Enter MRMDRMD as a password. Stamina restore will no longer be   available.(精力恢复不能??)   Play as Splinter:   Successfully complete level 11-7. Alternately, Splinter is unlocked   ten days after a saved game file is created; you can change the   system date to do this. Splinter replaces Donatello.   (成功完成leve11-7后,可以使用老鼠)   Play as Casey Jones:   Win the Open Brawl Tournament. Alternately, Casey Jones is unlocked   (比赛模式开启,可以使用Jones)   five days after a saved game file is created; you can change the   system date to do this. Casey Jones replaces Raphael.   (创建存档5天后,你可以通过修改 系统日期来实现这个功能??????)   Play as Slashuur:   Win the Battle Nexus Tournament. Alternately, Slashuur is unlocked   forty five days after a saved game file is created; you can change   the system date to do this. Slashuur replaces Leonardo.   (通过Nexus的比赛模式,可以使用Slashuur,后者等待存档后45天........)   Play as Karai:   Defeat Karai in the Foot Fight Tournament in less than 150 seconds.   Alternately, Karai is unlocked thirty five days after a saved game   file is created; you can change the system date to do this. Karai   replaces Michaelangelo.   (在 Foot Fight比赛中,150秒内干掉Karai,可以使用Karai,后者35天后.......)   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game:   Got to level 9-1 and get the hidden Antique. Do this by going down   one of the alleyways. There will be a pile of crates and a broken   down bus. Jump on the crate and onto the bus. From the bus, jump   onto the building . There should be two crates here, containing   Pizza and the Antique. Then, complete the level and defeat all the   Purple Dragons, Foot, and Mobsters. Next, go to the " 2nd Time   Around". If you look through the different objects in the "NY"   section, you will see the image of an arcade. Select the arcade to   see information on it. When you exit out of the information, the   message "Classic Arcade Mode Unlocked" will appear, and that option is now   on the main menu at the title screen. Note: Do not worry if the screen   remains black, or the arcade main screen takes a long time to load; this is normal.   (Arc模式:9-1关,在一个小巷里有个破的公交车,通过他上到房顶,打开两个箱子,   吃到宝箱,通关后,回到家里,看"2nd Time"模式,里面有张卡片,上面画着一个街机,   看介绍后推出,屏幕上会出现“Classic Arcade Mode Unlocked",然后退到主画面,   出现街机模式.)   *****后面由于没弄出街机模式,所以没有测试***   In the arcade game, press Circle to get more lives instead of   quarters. The joystick and certain buttons including the pause   feature do not work. The character selection is just like the   arcade. Each controller controls a different turtle. You cannot   which turtle to assign to a controller. Controller one is Leonardo,   controller two is Michaelangelo, controller three is Donatello, and   Controller four is Raphael.   Glitch: Character's feet pass through wall:   Whenever you do a wall-jump, look very carefully to see that your   character's toes (or sometimes even their feet) are passing through   the wall.   ARC模式我没有弄出来,可能还需要什么条件,这里面所说的方法我试过了,没有成功。

  • VB FindFirstFile的使用

    打开VB6.0自带的API Viewer,找到Type 下的 WIN32_FIND_DATA,直接复制粘贴就行。