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在Power Point中是没有自带的碧海蓝天的背景图片的,所以如果想要设置碧海蓝天背景图,首先我们需要下载一个碧海蓝天图片保存在电脑桌面,然后再利用设置Power Point背景功能来实现完成,具体操作步骤可参考以下。1、本次演示使用的Office办公软件为Power Point 2013版本。2、新建一个Power Point文档,文档用于演示如何在Power Point中将背景设置成碧海蓝天的操作,首先鼠标点击菜单栏中的设计工具,在设计工具栏下选择设置背景格式工具,单击打开。3、在设置背景格式工具栏中选择图片或纹理填充选项,然后点击文件打开。4、在打开的文件选择中选择桌面上的事先下载完成的碧海蓝天图片,选中图片单击插入。5、这样,我们就可以看到Power Point中的背景就被设置成碧海蓝天的模式了。
楼上机器翻译的,别丢丑了. Jack loved sea(Barr acted by Jean-Marc),and wanted to associate with it,although when he was in his puisne time,his father was licked up by the sea,his love to the sea hadn't been changed all along.But in an accidental encounter,Jack meet a young and beautiful girl whose name was John Hanna(acted by Rosanna Arquette).He fell in love with her,and from then on,his life seemed to become uncontrollable,he strayed in a state of utter stupefaction between the choices of Hanna and sea. This film was the curtain-up film of Cannes Film Festival in 1988.It described the predicament of an individial who couldn't melt in the realistic society,therefore transfered to look for another kind of life in dream.It had a dense hue of autobiography.Human beings challenged the limit unceasingly,but returned to the sea finally.It was a film of blue hue. a curtain-up film of Cannes Film Festival in 1988,César Awards in 1988(the best music and the best photography) film review & behind the curtain This was a film which made Luc Besson become famous.The memory and dream came from childhood were filled with endliss affectionateness of the director.This kind of sincerity moved the hearts of all the audiences. There were many beautiful photographies under water,which exhibited the world of mysterious,deep and serene seabed,and feasted the audiences' eyes on totally.The describes of dramatis personaes' characters did not belong to the vulgar stunts'.The teasing to the embarrassment of the people who lived in America,in New York teemed with the European pride,which formed obvious contrast with the wide and clear scene on the coast.This film was one of the most excellent films of Besson.
他们原本属于海 两个原本不属于这个世界的人,最终都回家了。 法国人的片子,常常让我跟不上他们的调子,得费好大劲才能望其项背。 一部纯美的片子,纯在于杰克的世界,美在于那种至深的湛蓝。 很喜欢湛蓝色,能让人很静也很平,深海区就是如此的蓝。 吕克贝松镜头下的地中海很美,人鱼同游的场景让人不忘。 恩佐和杰克不属于这个世界,他们属于海,最终他们以不同的方式回家了,当杰克最终放手,与海豚一起消失在深海 中,确实,这种境界,你只能佩服法国人的创造力了,或许,法国人也不属于这个世界。
今年,我市环保世纪行活动的主题是“保护碧水蓝天,建设美好家园”,旨在通过开展环保世纪行活动,大力宣传贯彻实施环境资源保护法律法规,防治水和大气污染工作中所取得的成就与经验,提高全社会防治污染、保护环境的意识,推进节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展,实现我市经济社会全面协调可持续发展。 为切实做好今年环保世纪行活动,提高环保世纪行活动的实效,市人大常委会副主任姚启在启动仪式上要求各相关单位要统一思想,强化认识,增强使命感和责任感;要精心组织,周密部署,不断提高环保世纪行活动质量;要注重实效,开拓创新,不断开创环保世纪行活动的新局面;要把环保世纪行活动与辽宁中部城市人大依法推进辽河流域水污染治理工作结合起来,把宣传报道好的单位与曝光批评差的单位结合起来,在全社会形成保护环境的强大舆论氛围,不断提高环保世纪行活动的实效和影响力。