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Personal Finances Pro的教程

补充锦囊 完美下载小客服 2021-03-30


Personal Finances Pro是一款非常适合个人使用的而且非常容易使用功能强大的智能个人理财记账工具,它可以帮助你控制您的金钱,它将帮助您停止浪费和开始存您的金钱,能够有效地帮助您管理日常的开支和收入!


该软件允许你创建年度预算评估,跟踪收入和花费,并且计算你的净值。提供包括分类和各种不同收入水平的概要预算描述。早年预算可以被导入到当前年度。包括用于分期偿还借贷,比较利息率,以及创建储蓄计划的计算器。储蓄计算器可以执行采用一次付清合计和年金计算的退休收入预测。概要浏览通过表格和图表对比每月和年度投资预算和实际收入和费用。定制你自己的账户,事务类型和分类。事务可以使用年度和月度图表进行浏览,并且可以按照账户和分类进行过滤。这些可以按照日期,账户,分类和总计进行排序。可以生成分解和重复事务。收入可以以月度为基础分配到各种不同的分类以及一个将被分配到各种不同存储目的的存储库当中。日期可以被保持和导出到 CSV (逗号分隔)或者文本文件当中。密码保护数据库可以保持你的私人记录的安全性。




Personal Finances Pro(记账理财软件)

Personal Finances Pro(记账理财软件)

软件大小:30.11 MB



  • personalfinancespro 怎么破解

    软件破解和使用方法1、打开Personal Finances Pro 中文破解版下载解压缩,双击exe文件依提示安装;2、软件将自动注册,用户打开即可免费使用;3、打开软件后,首先设置用户,可根据家庭情况设置多个用户;4、再设置分类,比如电话费、宽带费、水电费、人情等等;5、回到概况,双击日历,添加交易,可以记录每一笔开支或收入;

  • personal shield pro 是什么东西啊

    Personal Shield Pro, or Personal Shield Pro v1.0 or v2.20, is a fake security program that designed by the attackers to take advantage of a security flaw in Windows. Once infected, Personal Shield Pro can potentially terrorize the Internet community with its variety of aggressive marketing and attacks. Some of the most known symptoms include randomly-generated performance issues or fake security alerts that would warn of possible malware invasions. However, the real culprit is Personal Shield Pro itself. This method, referred as social engineering, has been used by many fake security programs, but unfortunately that the victims kept falling into the scam easily. Usually, Personal Shield Pro spreads itself via a link in social networks or email, a video codec or embedded code within a downloadable software. Don’t click on anything if it looks suspicious. We have compiled a manual removal instructions to help you to get rid of Personal Shield Pro malware. Good luck! 手工删除的方法: 1. Terminate Personal Shield Pro processes. [random].exe (Note: This file is randomly generated. It varies from computer to computer. Launch Task manager and kill any suspicious processes.) 2. Find and delete Personal Shield Pro files. %Temp%\[random]\ %Temp%\[random]\[random].exe %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Desktop\Personal Shield Pro.lnk 3. Find and remove Personal Shield Pro registry keys. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\[random] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random].exe”

  • 怎样写your personal finances作文

    We all know that money and personal finances are important, to us and to our family, both today and in the future. But too often the complex world of finances stays hidden because of incomprehensible jargon, complex calculations, or because an "expert" is trying to frighten us into buying their financial product. This site is a round-up of money strategies that work. It will be full of ideas that are accessible, understandable and useful to you. It will become a ready source of information and ideas relating to financial planning and investing. What we promise you: – No hot stock tips – No courses promising to make you a real estate millionaire in 60 days – No confusing terminology

  • SystemCare 6 PRO 是什么类型的软件,主要有什么作用啊???

    Advanced SystemCare是一款能分析系统性能瓶颈的优化软件。它通过对系统全方位的诊断,找到系统性能的瓶颈所在,然后有针对性地进行修改、优化。此外它还具有间谍软件和恶意软件扫描清除功能,也能将你的隐私信息从电脑中抹除。针对个人免费使用。Advanced WindowsCare Personal已更名为Advanced SystemCare。