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Print Pilot的教程

补充锦囊 完美下载小客服 2021-03-30


Virtual Print Pilot可帮助你转换任何形式的文件为图片文件格式,只要是可以打印的文件程序,都可以将它转换为图片文件格式。



Print Pilot

Print Pilot

软件大小:1.99 MB



  • Latest Developments

    As well as the basic design and manufacture of HDD systems,machine manufacturers have also been developing bore assist systems and newapplications for the technology.One of the most useful as a planning tool for engineers using or considering using HDD for an installation is the Bore Planner software that has been developed. This software enables engineers to put into a computer the parameters of a bore and the Bore Planner program will proce a “best fit”route and depth,which can be used as the blue print for the bore in the ground.Data acquisition software has also been developed which enables steering data to be utilized to complete an “as-built”drawing for the contractor and / or the client based on the actual pilot bore run. This information provides not just the plan position of the newinstallation but also the depth information that is becoming increasingly important in high-density buried service areas.From a safety point of viewseveral OEMs nowalso provide with their machines,either optionally or as standard,Safety Cut out or Lock out systems which protect operators when working on the machine. As well as the general use of “Faraday”cages to,protect operators in the event of a cable strike,safety systems nowexist that provide for power shut down should the operator not remain seated at the controls. Other systems have been developed which allowthe machine to be locked out to ensure that when work is being carried out on the pipe side of a bore ( a position often out of line of site of the drilling rig ) ,the rig cannot be started or operated without the correct clearance signal being given.Newapplications for HDD technology include pipe reaming,a class of pipe replacement technology which utilizes the drill string and pulling power of an HDD rig to drawa reaming head through an established pipe line to,in effect,burst the old out and replace it with a newone.To assist the installation of a pipe that has become stuck in a bore ring pullback,a system has been developed which utilizes an impact hammer on the pipe-side end of the pipe. The reciprocating action of the hammer blows add impetus to the pipe string in the ground which,when added to the pullback force of the drill rig,overcomes the obstruction or restraint which prevents the pullback being completed.The range of pipe available to operators for installation using HDD has also been expanded. The most significant development has been that of the sacrificial skin pipe,which, although developed largely for pipe burst installations,has also found a market in the HDD sector,particularly in hard,ground conditions where cobbles and rock could damage the newpipe ring installation.

  • 建设银行print level是什么意思

    那个是个程序bug,应该是输出 "尊敬的"+print_level+"用户" 写成了 "尊敬的print_level用户“,那个print_level是个变量,会被实际值替换,比如普通,vip,铂金等等.

  • PrintSreen在键盘的什么位置?

    一般的键盘都是标准键盘,print screen一般都在方向键上面的左上角。至于你那个就不清楚了,但你可以使用qq截屏或者红蜻蜓截屏软件。

  • printscrim是哪个键
