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Yankee Clipper III的教程

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Yankee Clipper III是一款可以记录复制内容的小工具,它会将每一次复制的文字、网址、图片通通保存,你就不需要另外打开文本文件来复制粘贴所需资料,方便许多。

Yankee Clipper III基本介绍

Yankee Clipper III是一套剪贴簿的加强工具,能帮你记录每一次复制剪切的数据,包括文字、图形、网址、RTF格式文件。

Yankee Clipper III有两种剪贴簿可以互相切换使用,你平常复制的数据会直接贴进History,这本剪贴簿限制存储两百笔数据,当你复制剪切第两百零一笔数据时、第一笔数据就会被抹除。如果你需要重复使用某些数据,可以在History剪贴簿点按鼠标右键、放进Boilerplates剪贴簿,这本剪贴簿没有数据数量限制,而且你可以设定好几本Boilerplates、根据实际情况进行切换。

Yankee Clipper III安装说明

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Yankee Clipper III使用说明

打开软件,它会自动缩放至桌面右下角,鼠标左键点击图标或者按Ctrl+Alt+Y (预设)就可以显示主窗口。

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Yankee Clipper III

Yankee Clipper III

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  • 跪求图中超级英雄的名字

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  • 波音314客机的主要机型

    泛美航空使用的波音314 登记32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333361303564编号 型号 名称 服役时间 备注 NC18601 314 檀香山飞剪号(Honolulu Clipper) 1939-1945 被美国海军击沉 NC18602 314 加州飞剪号(California Clipper) 1939-1950 易名为太平洋飞剪号并售予世界航空(World Airways),1950年拆解 NC18603 314 美国人飞剪号(Yankee Clipper) 1939-1943 1943年2月22日于葡萄牙里斯本坠毁 NC18604 314 大西洋飞剪号(Atlantic Clipper) 1939-1946 分拆为零件 NC18605 314 狄克西飞剪号(Dixie Clipper) 1939-1950 售予世界航空(World Airways),1950年拆解 NC18606 314 美国飞剪号(American Clipper) 1939-1946 售予世界航空(World Airways),1950年拆解 NC18609 314A 太平洋飞剪号(Pacific Clipper) 1941-1946 售予环宇航空(Universal Airlines),于风暴中损毁,分拆为零件 NC18611 314A 澳纽军团飞剪号(Anzac Clipper) 1941-1951 1946年售予环宇航空,1947年售予美国国际航空,1948年售予世界航空,1951年转为私人拥有,同年于巴的摩尔拆解 NC18612 314A 开普敦飞剪号(Cape town Clipper) 1941-1946 1942年售予美国海军,1947年售予美国国际航空(American International Airways ),1947年10月14日被海岸警卫队击沉

  • MARVEL美式漫画英雄共有哪些?给全+分~

    Isaiah Brandon, Moira Bride of Nine Spiders (Immortal Weapons) Brother Voodoo (Jericho Drumm) Bruiser (Molly Hayes) C Cable Cage, Luke Calamity Caliban Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) Cap'n Oz Captain America (Bob Russo) Captain America (Roscoe) Captain America (Scar Turpin) Captain America (Steve Rogers) Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) Captain Universe Cardiac Carter, Elsa Bloodstone代表人物 蜘蛛侠Spiderman 毁灭博士Dr. Doom 金刚狼Wolverine(X-战警) X教授ProfessorX (X-战警) 其他还有:绿巨人,神奇四侠, Jono (Askari) Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo) Battering Ram Battlestar Beak Beast (Henry McCoy) Bedlam (Jesse Aaronson) Beetle (Joaquim) Beetle (Leila Davis) Beetle (MK-II) Beetle (MK-III) Beetles Beta Flight Beta Ray Bill Big Bertha Big Hero 6 Bishop (Lucas Bishop) B cont. Black Archer (Earth-712) Black Bolt Black Cat Black Knight (Dane Whitman) Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia) Black Panther (T'Challa) Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) Blacklash (unrevealed) Blade (Eric Brooks) Blaquesmith Blazing Skull (Mark Todd) Blindfold Bling, Ulysses Blue Eagle (Earth-712) Blue Shield Bluebird (Sally Avril) Box (Roger Bochs) Bradley,恶灵骑士,惩罚者,艾丽卡,还有铁人,X战警: 3-D Man A Aegis (Trey Rollins) Aero Agent (Rick Mason) Agent X (Nijo) Agent Zero Agents of Atlas Aginar Aguila (Alejandro Montoya) Air-Walker (Gabriel Lan) Airstrike (Dmitri Bukharin) Ajak Ajaxis Albion (Peter Hunter) All-American All-Winners Squad Alpha Flight American Eagle (Jason Strongbow) Americop Amphibion Anarchist Ancient One Angel (Angel Salvadore) Angel (Thomas Halloway) Angel (Warren Worthington III) Angel Dust Annalee Anole Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady) Ant-Man (Scott Lang) Anthem Ape (Morlock) Arabian Knight (Abdul Qamar) Arachne (Julia Carpenter) Aralune Araña (Anya Corazon) Ares Armor Arsenic (and Old Lace) Astro, Vance (Major Victory) Atlas (Erik Josten) Atum Aurora Avengers Avengers (Earth-9904) Avengers West Coast Awesome Andy B Balder Banshee Baraka,夜魔侠、雷神、银色冲浪手、美国队长 所有漫画人物 (详细资料可上官方网站查询) Heroes! Blitzkrieger Blizzard (Donald Gill) Bloke Bloodstone, Lila China Force Citizen V (John Watkins III) Citizen V (John Watkins) Citizen V (Paulette Brazee) ClanDestine Clea Cloak Code: Blue Coldblood Cole, Kasper Collective Man Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) Commando (Frank Bohannan) Confederates of the Curious Conklin, Captain Shelly Contessa (Vera Vidal) C cont. Cooper, Valerie Corona (Carlos Carvalho) Corsair Cosmo (dog) Crimson Crusader Crystal Cuckoo (Kay Cera) Curazon, Detective Cybermancer Cyclops (Scott Summers) Cypher (Douglas Ramsey) D Dagger Daredevil (Matthew Murdock) Darkhawk Darklore Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna) Darwin Dazzler (Alison Blaire) Dazzler (Kimberly Schau) Dead Girl Deadpool Deathlok (Luther Manning) Deathlok (Michael Collins) Debrii Delta Force Demolition Man Destine, Adam Destroyer (Roger Aubrey) Devil-Slayer Diamond Lil Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) Digitek Dinah Soar Doc Samson Doctor Druid Doctor Spectrum (Earth-712) Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) Dog Brother Number 1 Domino (Neena Thurman) Doop Doorman (DeMarr Davis) Drake, Divinity Drax Dusk (Cassie St. Commons) Dust E Earth Force Earth Lord Earthmover Echo (Maya Lopez) Elektra Elixir Enigmo (Deviant) Erg Ernst Eternals Excalibur Exiles (Omniverse) F Falcon (Carl Burgess) Falcon (Sam Wilson) Fantastic Four Fantomex Fat Cobra Feral (Maria Callasantos) Feron Fielstein, Fireworks Firebird Firelord (Pyreus Kril) G Gabriel, Devil-Hunter Gambit Ganymede Gargoyle (Isaac Christians) Gateway Gazer Generation X Gentle Ghost Rider (Daniel Ketch) Ghost Rider (John Blaze) Gladiator (Kallark) Gladiatrix Goliath (Bill Foster) Gorgon (Inhuman) Gorilla Man (Kenneth Hale) Grasshopper (Doug Taggert) Great Lakes Avengers Greystone Guapo, El Guardian (James Hudson) Guardians of the Galaxy H H.E.R.B.I.E. Harkness, Agatha Harrier Havok Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) Haywire (Earth-712) Hellcat (Patricia Hellstrom) Hellion Hellstorm Hepzibah Hercules (Heracles) Heroes for Hire Hex Hindsight Hornet (Eddie McDonough) Howard the Duck Hudson, Heather (Earth-3470) Hulk (Bruce Banner) Hulkling Human Robot Human Top (Bruce Bravelle) Human Torch (Jim Hammond) Human Torch (Johnny Storm) Humbug Huntara Hunter, Henrietta Husk Hybrid (Scott Washington) Hyperion (Earth-712) I Icarus (Jay Guthrie) Iceman Ikaris Illuminati Immortal Weapons Imp I cont. Imperial Guard Infinity Watch Inhumans Invaders Invisible Woman Iron Fist (Bei Bang-Wen) Iron Fist (Danny Rand) Iron Fist (Orson Randall) Iron Fist (Wu Ao-Shi) Iron Lad Iron Man (Anthony Stark) Isis J Jack Flag Jack of Hearts Jackpot Jackson, Jock Jeffries, Madison Jocasta Johnson, Daisy Jolt (Hallie Takahama) Jones, Jessica Jones, Rick Joseph Josiah X Joystick Jubilee Juggernaut (Cain Marko) Junta Justice (Vance Astrovik) K Ka-Zar (David Rand) Ka-Zar (Kevin Plunder) Kale, Jennifer Kane, Garrison Karma Karnak King, Hannibal Knight, Misty Knights of Pendragon Kylun L League of Losers Leech Leir Lexington, Alexander Liberty Legion Lifeguard Lightspeed Lionheart Living Lightning Living Mummy Loa Lockheed Lockjaw Longshot Lucky Pierre (Ernst Erskine) Lucy In The Sky Lyja Lynx M M (Monet St. Croix) MACH-IV MVP MacGillicuddy, Seamus Machine Man Madame Web Maddicks, Artie Maggott Magik (Amanda Sefton) Magik (Illyana Rasputin) M cont. Magma (Amara Aquilla) Majowski, Mother Makkari Mancha, Victor Mantis Marionette Marnot Marrina Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr) Marvel Boy (Robert Grayson) Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers) Masters, Alicia Match Maverick (Chris Bradley) Mechamage Medusa Meer'lyn Meggan Mercury (Cessily Kincaid) Microbe Micromax Midnight Sons Miller, Layla Mimic (Calvin Rankin) Mimic (Earth-12) Mister Fantastic Mister Immortal Mister M Mockingbird Monkey Joe Moon Knight Moondragon Moonglow (Arcanna Jones) (Earth-712) Moonstar Moonstone (Karla Sofen) Morbius Moy, Alyssa Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) Ms. Marvel (Sharon Ventura) Mulholland Multiple Man N Namora Namorita Nemesis (Jane St. Ives) New Mutants New Warriors New X-Men Night Thrasher Nightcrawler Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) Nightwatch Nixon, Kiden Nocturne (Talia Wagner) Nomad (Jack Monroe) North, Dakota Northstar Norvell, Red Nova (Frankie Raye) Nova (Richard Rider) Nuit, La Nuke (Earth-712) Nuklo O Omega Flight Onyxx Order (California) Outlaw (Inez Temple) Outlaws P Paladin Patriot (Elijah Bradley) Patriot (Jeff Mace) Penance (Robert Baldwin) Penance (unrevealed) Peregrine Persuasion Petra Phantom Rider (Hamilton Slade) Phantom Rider (Lincoln Slade) Phat Phoenix (Jean Grey) Photon (Genis-Vell) Pierce Pip the Troll Pixie (Eternal) Pixie (Megan Gwynn) Plantman Polaris Portal Power Princess (Earth-712) Praxagora Prince of Orphans (John Aman) Prodigy (David Alleyne) Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore) Professor X Protocide Prowler (Hobie Brown) Pryde, Kitty Psylocke Puck (Eugene Judd) Puck (Zuzha Yu) Punisher (Frank Castle) Q Quark Quasar (Phyla-Vell) Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) Queen Divine Justice Quicksilver Quill (Maxwell Jordan) R Radioactive Man (Chen Lu) Radius Rage Rambeau, Monica Rambow, Larry Rann, Arcturus Rassitano, Mad Dog Red Guardian (Alexei Shostakov) Redeemers Redstone (Earth-712) Rhodes, James Richards, Franklin Richards, Nathaniel Richards, Valeria Ricochet (Johnny Gallo) Riordan, Dallas Risque Rocket Racer Rockslide Rogue Roko the Amazing Ronin (Clint Barton) Ruiz, Rigger Runaways S S.H.I.E.L.D. S.T.A.R.S. Sabra S cont. Sabretooth (Earth-295) Sage Sangre Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski) Satana Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) Scorpion (Carmilla Black) Secret Avengers Secret Defenders Sentinels Sentry (Robert Reynolds) Sersi Shadu the Shady Shamrock Shang-Chi Shanna Shape (Earth-712) Shard Shatterstar She-Hulk Shroud Silent Fox Silhouette Silver Sable Silver Surfer Silverclaw Siryn Six Pack Skids Skin Skyhawk Skylark (Earth-712) Slapstick Sleepwalker Slingers Smith, Tabitha Smuggler (Conrad Josten) Snowbird Solo Songbird Soviet Super-Soldiers Specter Spider-Man (Miguel O'Hara Earth-6375) Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) Spirit of '76 Spitfire Squadron Supreme (Earth-712) Squid-Boy Squirrel Girl Star Masters Star-Lord (Peter Quill) Starfox Starjammers Stature Stellaris Stepford Cuckoos Stingray (Walter Newell) Stone, Lieutenant Marcus Storm Storm, Franklin Strong Guy Suarez, Raphael Sub-Mariner Subbie S cont. Sunfire (Age of Apocalypse) Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) Sunpyre Sunspot Supernaut Surge (Noriko Ashida) Sway Swordsman (Andreas Strucker) Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne) Synch T Tag Talk:Penance Talkback (Chase Stein) Tara Tarantula (Maria Vaques) Tarantula (Maria Vasquez) Terror Texas Twister Thena Thialfi Thing (Benjamin Grimm) Thing (Ricardo Jones) Thor (Dargo Ktor) Thor (Thor Odinson) Thor Corps Thor Girl Thornn (Lucia Callasantos) Thunderbird (Earth-1100) Thunderbird (John Proudstar) Thunderbird (Neal Shaara) Thunderbolts Tiger’s Beautiful Daughter Tigra (Greer Nelson) Tippy Toe Topaz Torgo Toro (Thomas Raymond) Toxin Trance Trauma (Terrance Ward) Triathlon Triton Turbo (Michiko Musashi) U U-Go Girl U.S.Agent Ultra-Vision (Earth-90110) Union Jack (Brian Falsworth) Union Jack (Joseph Chapman) Union Jack (Montgomery Falsworth) Urich, Phil Ursa Major V V-Battalion Valkyrie Vampire By Night Vampire Hunters Vampiro Vanguard Veda Venus (siren) Venus Dee Milo Vindicator (Heather Hudson) Vision Vormund W Wallflower Wallop Wanderer W cont. Wind Dancer Wind Warrior Windshear Wing, Colleen Wingfoot, Wyatt Winter Soldier Wisdom, Peter Wither Wolf Cub Wolfsbane Wolverine (James Howlett) Wonder Man (Simon Williams) Wong Woo, Jimmy Wraith (Zak-Del) Wraith, John Wyre X X-23 X cont. X-Corporation X-Factor X-Factor Investigations X-Force X-Man X-Men X-Men (2099) X-Statix X-Treme Xavier Security Enforcers Y Yankee Clipper Yellowjacket (Henry Pym) Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara) Young Allies Young Allies (Counter-Earth) Young Avengers Young Gods Z Zuras 按字母顺序排列,五百人以上,真恐怖阿, Sharon Cat (Shen Kuei) Catiana Celeste Cuckoo Centennial Century Chamber Champion (alien) Changeling Cheney

  • 美国人别名叫yank/yankee的来历或是历史,中文英文都可以,最好是英语。谢谢

    Yankee From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The term Yankee, sometimes abbreviated to Yank, has a few related meanings, often referring to someone of Northern U.S. origin or heritage. Within the United States its meaning has varied over time. Originally the term referred to residents of New England as used by Mark Twain in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. During and after the American Civil War its meaning expanded to include any Northerner or resident of the states formerly on the Union side of the war, and included anyone from the Northeast (New England, Mid-Atlantic, and upper Great Lakes states). After the Civil War the term gradually reverted to its earlier meaning of New Englander,[1] although Southerners often continue to use the extended meaning. Outside the United States, Yank or Yankee is a slang term, sometimes derogatory, for any U.S. citizen. Origins and history of the word The origins of the term are uncertain, although there are many speculative suggestions. Hastings of Cambridge, Massachusetts, was attributed around 1713 to regularly using the word as a superlative, generally in the sense of excellent.[2] In 1758 British General James Wolfe referred to the New England soldiers under his command as Yankees: "I can afford you two companies of Yankees."[3] Later the term as used by the British was often derogatory, as shown by the cartoon from 1775 ridiculing Yankee soldiers.[3] The "Yankee and Pennamite" war was a series of clashes that occurred in 1769 over land titles in Pennsylvania, in which "Yankee" meant the Connecticut claimants. One of the earliest theories on the word's origin is that it derives from the Cherokee word eankke, meaning coward, as applied to the residents of New England. It also may come from a northeastern Native American approximation of the words English and anglais. One school of thought is that the word is a borrowing from the Wendat (called Huron by the French) pronunciation of the French l'anglais (meaning the English), sounded as "Y'an-gee". During the French and Indian War the word would have been widely used among many Native Americans in the British colonies to refer to white settlers in Upstate New York, throughout New England, and other areas west of the Hudson Valley. Later arrivals to the region then adopted the term with the pronunciation evolving to "Yankee".[2] This notion has been rejected by some linguists.[3] Loyalist newspaper cartoon from Boston 1776 ridicules "Yankie Doodles" militia who have encircled the cityThe most plausible derivation is from the Dutch first names "Jan" and "Kees." "Jan" and "Kees" were and still are common Dutch first names, and also common Dutch given names or nicknames. In many instances both names (Jan-Kees) are also used as a single first name in the Netherlands. The word Yankee in this sense would be used as a form of contempt, applied derisively to Dutch or English settlers in the New England states.[2] Another speculation suggests the Dutch form was Jan Kaas, "John Cheese", from the prevalence of dairy farming among the Dutch, but this seems far-fetched.[citation needed] Michael Quinion and Patrick Hanks argue[4] that the term refers to the Dutch nickname and surname Janneke (from "Jan" and the diminutive "-ke", meaning "Little John" or Johnny in dutch), anglicized to Yanke (the "J" is pronounced "Y" in Dutch) and "used as a nickname for a Dutch-speaking American in colonial times". By extension, the term grew to include non-Dutch colonists as well. Another possible explanation is that the name "Kees", normally an abbreviation for "Cornelius" in Dutch, also means a monkey or baboon. This usage is still in use in Afrikaans. This means that that the origin of "Yankee" is "Jan Kees" or "John Baboon." One influence on the use of the term throughout the years has been the song Yankee Doodle, which was popular at the time of the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783). Following the Battle of Concord, it was broadly adopted by Americans and today is the state song of Connecticut. An early use of the term outside the United States was in the creation of Sam Slick, the "Yankee Clockmaker", in a column in a newspaper in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1835. The character was a plain-talking U.S. citizen who served to poke fun at Nova Scotian customs of that era, while trying to urge the old-fashioned Canadians to be as clever and hard-working as the Yankees. The "damned Yankee" usage dates from 1812.[3] During and after the American Civil War (1861–1865) Confederates popularized it as a derogatory term for their Northern enemies. Yankee cultural history The term Yankee now means residents of New England (and possibly the Northeast US), of English ancestry, although that was not the original definition. (See origin of the term above). The Yankees diffused widely across the northern United States, leaving their imprint in New York, the upper Midwest, and places as far away as Seattle, San Francisco and Honolulu. [5] Yankees typically lived in villages (rather than separate farms), which fostered local democracy in town meetings; stimulated mutual oversight of moral behavior and emphasized civic virtue. From New England seaports like Boston, Salem, Providence and New London, the Yankees built an international trade, stretching to China by 1800. Much of the merchant profits were reinvested in the textile and machine tools industries. In religion New England Yankees originally followed the Puritan tradition as expressed in Congregational churches, but after 1750 many became Episcopalians, Methodists, Baptists or Unitarians. Straight-laced 17th century moralism as described by novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne faded in the 18th century. The First Great Awakening (under Jonathan Edwards) in the mid-18th century and the Second Great Awakening in the early 19th century (under Charles Grandison Finney) emphasized personal piety, revivals, and devotion to civic duty. Theologically Arminianism replaced the original Calvinism. Horace Bushnell introduced the idea of Christian nurture, whereby children would be brought to religion without revivals. After 1800 the Yankees (along with the Quakers) spearheaded most reform movements, including abolition, temperance, women's rights and women's education. Emma Willard and Mary Lyon pioneered in the higher education of women, while Yankees comprised most of the reformers who went South during Reconstruction in the 1860s to educate the Freedmen. Politically, the Yankees, who dominated New England, much of upstate New York, and much of the upper Midwest, were the strongest supporters of the new Republican party in the 1860s. This was especially true for the Congregationalists and Presbyterians among them and (after 1860), the Methodists. A study of 65 predominantly Yankee counties showed they voted only 40% for the Whigs in 1848 and 1852, but became 61–65% Republican in presidential elections of 1856 through 1864. [6] The Ivy League universities and "Little Ivies" liberal arts colleges, particularly Harvard and Yale, remained bastions of old Yankee culture until well after World War II. President Calvin Coolidge was a striking example of the Yankee type. Coolidge moved from rural Vermont to urban Massachusetts, and was educated at Amherst College. Yet his flint-faced unprepossessing ways and terse rural speech proved politically attractive: "That Yankee twang will be worth a hundred thousand votes", explained one Republican leader.[7] Coolidge's laconic ways and dry humor was characteristic of stereotypical rural "Yankee humor" at the turn of the twentieth century.[8] The fictional character Thurston Howell, III, of Gilligan's Island, a graduate of Harvard University, typifies the old Yankee elite in a comical way. In the 21st century the systematic Yankee ways had permeated the entire society through education. Although many observers from the 1880s onward predicted that Yankee politicians would be no match for new generations of ethnic politicians, the presence of Yankees at the top tier of politics in the 21st century was typified by Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee Senator John Forbes Kerry, descendant of the old colonial Forbes family. Barack Obama is of Yankee descent on his mother's side; his high school was Punahou School, founded to serve Yankee missionaries to Hawaii. Contemporary uses In the United States Within the United States, the term Yankee can have many different contextually and geographically-dependent meanings. Traditionally Yankee was most often used to refer to a New Englander (in which case it may suggest Puritanism and thrifty values), but today refers to anyone coming from a state north of the Mason-Dixon Line, with a specific focus still on New England. However, within New England itself, the term refers more specifically to old-stock New Englanders of English descent. The term WASP, in use since the 1960s, refers by definition to all Protestants of English ancestry, including Yankees and Southerners, though its meaning is often extended to refer to any Protestant white U.S. citizen. The term "Swamp Yankee" is used in rural Rhode Island, eastern Connecticut, and southeastern Massachusetts to refer to Protestant farmers of moderate means and their descendants (as opposed to upper-class Yankees).[9] Scholars note that the famous Yankee "twang" survives mainly in the hill towns of interior New England.[10] The most characteristic Yankee food was the pie; Yankee author Harriet Beecher Stowe in her novel Oldtown Folks celebrated the social traditions surrounding the Yankee pie. In Southern United States, the term is sometimes used as a derisive term for Northerners, especially those who have migrated to the South. The more polite term is "Northerner". In an old joke, a Southerner states, "I was 21 years old before I learned that 'damn' and 'yankee' were separate words." Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas pointed out as late as 1966, "The very word 'Yankee' still wakens in Southern minds historical memories of defeat and humiliation, of the burning of Atlanta and Sherman’s march to the sea, or of an ancestral farmhouse burned by Cantrill’s raiders."[11] A humorous aphorism attributed to E.B. White summarizes these distinctions: To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast. Another variant of the aphorism replaces the last line with: "To a Vermonter, a Yankee is somebody who still uses an outhouse." There are several other folk and humorous etymologies for the term. One of Mark Twain's most famous novels, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court popularized the word as a nickname for residents of Connecticut. It is also the official team nickname of a Major League Baseball franchise, the New York Yankees. The New York Yankees are the most succesful franchise in the world, as well. A film about Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. was titled The Magnificent Yankee. A play on that title became the title of a book about the ball club's dynasty: The Magnificent Yankees. In other English-speaking countries In English-speaking countries outside the United States, especially in Australia, Canada[12], Ireland[13], New Zealand and Britain, Yankee, almost universally shortened to Yank, is used as a derogatory, playful or referential colloquial term for the U.S. citizens. In certain Commonwealth countries, notably Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, "Yank" has been in common use since at least World War II, when thousands of Americans were stationed in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Depending on the country, "Yankee" may be considered mildly derogatory.[14] The term has evolved, through the use of rhyming slang, to the phrase "Septic Tank", or just "Septic".[15] (Yankee - Yank - Septic Tank - Septic - Seppo) in Australia. [2] In other parts of the world In some parts of the world, particularly in Latin American countries, and in East Asia, yankee or yanqui (phonetic Spanish spelling of the same word) is used sometimes politically associated with anti-Americanism and used in expressions such as "Yankee go home" or "we struggle against the yanqui, enemy of mankind" (words from the Sandinista anthem). In Argentina and Paraguay the term refers to someone who is from the US and is often, but not always, derogatory.[citation needed] In Venezuelan Spanish there is the word pitiyanqui, derived ca. 1940 around the Oil Industry from petty yankee, a derogatory term for those who profess an exaggerated and often ridiculous admiration for anything from the United States. In the late 19th century the Japanese were called "the Yankees of the East" in praise of their industriousness and drive to modernization.[16] In Japan since the late 1970s, the term Yankī has been used to refer to a type of delinquent youth[17] In Finland, the word jenkki (yank) is commonly used to refer to any U.S. citizen, and Jenkkilä (Yankeeland) refers to the United States itself. It isn't considered very offensive or anti-U.S., but rather a spoken language expression. [18] The variation, "Yankee Air Pirate" was used during the Vietnam War in North Vietnamese propaganda to refer to the United States Air Force. In Iceland, the word kani is used for Yankee or Yank in the mildly derogatory sense. When referring to residents of the USA, norðurríkjamaður or more commonly bandaríkjamaður, is used. In Polish, the word jankes can refer to any U.S. citizen, has little pejorative connotation if at all, and its use is somewhat obscure (it is mainly used to translate the English word yankee in a not strictly formal context, e.g. in a movie about the American Civil War). In Sweden the word is translated to jänkare. The word is not itself a negative expression, though it can of course be used as such depending on context. Joshua Slocum, in his 1899 book "Sailing Alone Around the World" in his flimsy sloop Spray, refers to Nova Scotians as being the only or true Yankees. It thus may be implied, as he himself was a Nova Scotian, that he had pride in his ancestry. "Yankee" in this instance, instead of connoting a form of derision, is therefore a form of praise; perhaps relevant to the hardy seagoing people of the East Coast at that time. References ^ http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50288716 ^ a b c "yankee, n and a" Oxford English Dictionary http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50288716 ^ a b c d Mathews (1951) p 1896 ^ Review of Quinion, Michael Port Out, Starboard Home ^ Mathews (1909), Holbrook (1950) ^ Kleppner p 55 ^ William Allen White, A Puritan in Babylon: The Story of Calvin Coolidge (1938) p. 122. ^ Arthur George Crandall, New England Joke Lore: The Tonic of Yankee Humor, (F.A. Davis Company, 1922). ^ Ruth Schell, "Swamp Yankee", American Speech, 1963, Volume 38, No.2 , pg. 121–123. accessed through JSTOR ^ Fisher, Albion's Seed p 62; Edward Eggleston, The Transit of Civilization from England to the U.S. in the Seventeenth Century. (1901) p. 110; Fleser (1962) ^ Fulbright's statement of March 7, 1966, quoted in Randall Bennett Woods, "Dixie's Dove: J. William Fulbright, The Vietnam War and the American South," The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 60, No. 3 (Aug., 1994), p. 548 ^ J. L. Granatstein, Yankee Go Home: Canadians and Anti-Americanism (1997) ^ Mary Pat Kelly, Home Away from Home: The Yanks in Ireland (1995) ^ John F. Turner and Edward F. Hale, eds. Yanks Are Coming: GIs in Britain in WWII (1983), primary documents; ; Eli Daniel Potts, Yanks Down Under, 1941-1945: The American Impact on Australia (1986); Harry Bioletti, The Yanks are coming: The American invasion of New Zealand, 1942-1944 (1989) ^ Grantlee Kieza. "Ndou ready for cocky Seppo". The Daily Telegraphdate=2007-06-15. http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,21906321-5001023,00.html?from=public_rss. "The American talks a good game and he can back it up. He doesn't have much punching power but he's shifty and cagey, an awkward, frustrating survivor." ^ William Eleroy Curtis, The Yankees of the East, Sketches of Modern Japan. (New York: 1896). ^ Daijirin dictionary, Yahoo! Dictionary ^ . See comments on H-South by Seppo K J Tamminen at [1]