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Free Virtual Keyboard的教程

补充锦囊 完美下载小客服 2021-03-30


Free Virtual Keyboard虚拟键盘是一款体积小、界面友好的虚拟键盘软件,可以在电脑中模拟出软键盘,支持运行于任何主流Windows系统上,还支持基于Windows的UMPC触摸屏系统。

Free Virtual Keyboard功能




Free Virtual Keyboard

Free Virtual Keyboard

软件大小:205.29 KB



  • pascal下的uses crt下都有什么语句

    你是问CRT单元有些什么功能,是吧,你在TURBO PASCAL里面输入一个CRT,然后按下CTRL+F1,弹出一个窗口里面选CRT-UNIT,可以查看你所有需要的内容,下面粘贴CRT的过程(PROCEDURE)和函数(FUNCTION):   Crt Unit Procedures and Functions   AssignCrt      │ Proc │ Associates a text file with the CRT window.   ClrEol         │ Proc │ Clears all the characters from the cursor position                  │      │ to the end of the line.   ClrScr         │ Proc │ Clears the screen and returns the cursor to the                  │      │ upper left corner.   Delay          │ Proc │ Delays a specifed number of milliseconds.   DelLine        │ Proc │ Deletes the line containing the cursor.   GotoXY         │ Proc │ Moves the cursor to the given coordinates within                  │      │ the virtual screen.   HighVideo      │ Proc │ Selects high-intensity characters.   InsLine        │ Proc │ Inserts an empty line at the cursor position.   KeyPressed     │ Func │ Determines if a key has been pressed on the                  │      │ keyboard.   LowVideo       │ Proc │ Selects low-intensity characters.   NormVideo      │ Proc │ Selects the original text attribute read from the                  │      │ cursor location at startup.   NoSound        │ Proc │ Turns off the computer's internal speaker.   ReadKey        │ Func │ Reads a character from the keyboard.   Sound          │ Proc │ Starts the internal speaker.   TextBackground │ Proc │ Selects the background color.   TextColor      │ Proc │ Selects the foreground character color.   TextMode       │ Proc │ Selects a specific text mode.   WhereX         │ Func │ Returns the X coordinate of the current cursor                  │      │ location.   WhereY         │ Func │ Returns the Y coordinate of the current cursor                  │      │ location.   Window         │ Proc │ Defines a text window on the screen.

  • 用C#可不可以写一个软键盘来实现登录网上银行?

    模拟键盘输入字符串using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using KenZhang.Free.VirtualInput;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;namespace VirtualInputDemo{ public partial class Form1 : Form { public const int INPUT_KEYBOARD = 1; public const int KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x0002; [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern UInt32 SendInput(UInt32 nInputs, ref INPUT pInputs, int cbSize); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct INPUT { [FieldOffset(0)] public Int32 type; [FieldOffset(4)] public KEYBDINPUT ki; [FieldOffset(4)] public MOUSEINPUT mi; [FieldOffset(4)] public HARDWAREINPUT hi; }[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct MOUSEINPUT { public Int32 dx; public Int32 dy; public Int32 mouseData; public Int32 dwFlags; public Int32 time; public IntPtr dwExtraInfo; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct KEYBDINPUT { public Int16 wVk; public Int16 wScan; public Int32 dwFlags; public Int32 time; public IntPtr dwExtraInfo; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct HARDWAREINPUT { public Int32 uMsg; public Int16 wParamL; public Int16 wParamH; } public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Focus(); INPUT inDown = new INPUT(); inDown.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; inDown.ki.wVk = (int)Keys.A; //INPUT inUp = new INPUT(); //inUp.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; //inUp.ki.wVk = (int)Keys.A; //inUp.ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; SendInput(1, ref inDown, Marshal.SizeOf(inDown)); //SendInput(1, ref inUp, Marshal.SizeOf(inUp)); } }}

  • vc下如何获取键盘任意按键并返回值

    梢允褂玫撞慵?坦匙 #include "windows.h" // 调函数指针typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* LPFNKEYBOARDPROC)(WPARAM, KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*); // 全局变量LPDWORD g_lpdwVirtualKey = NULL; // Keycode 数组指针int g_nLength = 0; // Keycode 数组BOOL g_bDisableKeyboard = FALSE; // 否屏蔽整键盘HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; // 模块实例句柄HHOOK g_hHook = NULL; // 钩句柄LPFNKEYBOARDPROC g_lpfnKeyboardProc; // 键盘钩调函数指针 // DLL 入口函数BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved){ // 保存模块实例句柄 g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)hModule; // 进程结束或线程结束卸载钩 switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: free(g_lpdwVirtualKey); if (g_hHook != NULL) UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hHook); break; } return TRUE;} // 底层键盘钩函数LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){ // 拦截键盘某些按键, g_bDisableKeyboard TRUE 则拦截整键盘按键if (nCode >= HC_ACTION) { KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT* pStruct = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam; if (g_bDisableKeyboard) if (g_lpfnKeyboardProc(wParam, pStruct)) return CallNextHookEx(g_hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); else return true; LPDWORD tmpVirtualKey = g_lpdwVirtualKey; for (int i = 0; i < g_nLength; i++) { if (pStruct->vkCode == *tmpVirtualKey++) if (g_lpfnKeyboardProc(wParam, pStruct)) return CallNextHookEx(g_hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); else return true; } } // 调用系统钩 return CallNextHookEx(g_hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);} /********************************************************************//* 始拦截键盘按键 *//* *//* 参数: *//* lpdwVirtualKey Keycode 数组指针 *//* nLength Keycode 数组 *//* bDisableKeyboard 否拦截整键盘 *//* *//* 返值: TRUE 功, FALSE 失败 *//********************************************************************/BOOL WINAPI StartMaskKey(LPDWORD lpdwVirtualKey, int nLength, LPFNKEYBOARDPROC lpfnKeyboardProc, BOOL bDisableKeyboard = FALSE){ // 已经安装键盘钩则返 FALSE if (g_hHook != NULL || nLength == 0) return FALSE; // 用户传 keycode 数组保存全局变量 g_lpdwVirtualKey = (LPDWORD)malloc(sizeof(DWORD) * nLength); LPDWORD tmpVirtualKey = g_lpdwVirtualKey; for (int i = 0; i < nLength; i++) { *tmpVirtualKey++ = *lpdwVirtualKey++; } g_nLength = nLength; g_bDisableKeyboard = bDisableKeyboard; g_lpfnKeyboardProc = lpfnKeyboardProc; // 安装底层键盘钩 g_hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, LowLevelKeyboardProc, g_hInstance, NULL); if (g_hHook == NULL) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /********************************************************************//* 停止拦截键盘按键 *//* *//* 参数: () *//* *//* 返值: TRUE 功, FALSE 失败 *//********************************************************************/BOOL WINAPI StopMaskKey(){ // 卸载钩 if (UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hHook) == 0) return FALSE; g_hHook = NULL; return TRUE;} MaskKey.h文件要加: // 调函数指针typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* LPFNKEYBOARDPROC)(WPARAM, KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*); 面VC调用例:(两Dialog员函数应两按钮再加调函数) // 全局键盘钩调函数// 参数: action 标识键盘消息(按,弹起), keyStruct 包含按键信息BOOL CALLBACK KeyboardProc(WPARAM action, KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT* pKeyStruct){ // 判断按键作 switch (action) { case WM_KEYDOWN: break; case WM_KEYUP: break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: break; case WM_SYSKEYUP: break; } // 返 true 表示继续传递按键消息 // 返 false 表示结束按键消息传递 return false;} void CMaskKeyAppDlg::OnStartmaskkey() { // 屏蔽 A, B, C, , , 左, 右及两win键 DWORD dwVK[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LWIN, VK_RWIN}; int nLength = sizeof(dwVK) / sizeof(DWORD); StartMaskKey(dwVK, nLength, KeyboardProc); } void CMaskKeyAppDlg::OnStopmaskkey() { StopMaskKey(); } 呵呵让看兴奋呢StartMaskKey加参数函数指针我非熟悉调函数使用DLLStartMaskKey函数收函数指针保存g_lpfnKeyboardProc变量LowLevelKeyboardProc旦发现要拦截按键通函数指针调用调函数控制权完全交给DLL调用程序由调函数KeyboardProc进步处理(播放段音乐执行意思程序亦或重启关机呃随便:D)action参数用标识键盘消息(按或弹起)pKeyStruct参数包含丰富按键信息其实系统传给LowLevelKeyboardProclParam我原封传给KeyboardProc呵呵重要调函数返值像阀门关决定按键消息命运DLLLowLevelKeyboardProc函数流程看调函数KeyboardProc返值true则表示该按键消息继续传递给系统钩;false则表示结束该按键消息传递起拦截按键效 用VB能些耐烦别着急篇文章给VB调用例程篇能缺少部面VB调用例:(窗体添加2CommandButton并别改名cmdStartMaskcmdStopMask) Option ExplicitPrivate Declare Function StartMaskKey Lib "MaskKey" (lpdwVirtualKey As Long, ByVal nLength As Long, ByVal lpfnKeyboarProc As Long, Optional ByVal bDisableKeyboard As Boolean = False) As LongPrivate Declare Function StopMaskKey Lib "MaskKey" () As Long Private Sub cmdStartMask_Click() ' 屏蔽 A, B, C, , , 左, 右及两win键 Dim key(8) As Long key(0) = vbKeyA key(1) = vbKeyB key(2) = vbKeyC key(3) = vbKeyLeft key(4) = vbKeyRight key(5) = vbKeyUp key(6) = vbKeyDown key(7) = &H5B ' 左边win键 key(8) = &H5C ' 右边win键 StartMaskKey key(0), UBound(key) + 1, AddressOf KeyboardProcEnd Sub Private Sub cmdStopMask_Click() StopMaskKeyEnd Sub 窗体模块代码前例程几乎调用StartMaskKey函数加参数:AddressOf KeyboardProcVB用调函数东西绝陌AddressOf元运算符面接函数名功能获指定函数指针点必须注意该调函数(例KeyboardProc)必须写VB标准模块标准模块代码: Option Explicit Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100Private Const WM_KEYUP = &H101Private Const WM_SYSKEYDOWN = &H104Private Const WM_SYSKEYUP = &H105 Public Type KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT vkCode As Long ' 虚拟按键码(1--254) scanCode As Long ' 硬件按键扫描码 flags As Long ' flags time As Long ' 消息间戳 dwExtraInfo As Long ' 额外信息End Type Public Enum KEYACTION ACTION_KEYDOWN = WM_KEYDOWN ACTION_KEYUP = WM_KEYUP ACTION_SYSKEYDOWN = WM_SYSKEYDOWN ACTION_SYSKEYUP = WM_SYSKEYUPEnd Enum ' 全局键盘钩调函数' 参数: action 标识键盘消息(按,弹起), keyStruct 包含按键信息Public Function KeyboardProc(ByVal action As KEYACTION, keyStruct As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As Boolean Select Case action Case ACTION_KEYDOWN Debug.Print keyStruct.vkCode, "按键盘按键" Case ACTION_KEYUP Debug.Print keyStruct.vkCode, "弹起键盘按键" Case ACTION_SYSKEYDOWN Case ACTION_SYSKEYUP End Select ' 返 True 表示继续传递按键消息 ' 返 False 表示结束按键消息传递 KeyboardProc = FalseEnd Function VC版调用例程差语翻译VBVB标准模块KeyboardProc没点MFC消息映射函数味道呢 :D 需要注意VB调函数必须写标准模块细能发现我action参数作点手脚改枚举类型主要易于理解 OK要写关于全局键盘钩内容我想告段落利用VC编写DLLVB便实现全局键盘钩仅仅局限于键盘钩利用种实现任何类型钩

  • 求一篇英语演讲稿(4分钟左右)

    A computer game is a computer-controlled game. A video game is a computer game where a video display such as a monitor or television is the primary feedback device. The term "computer game" also includes games which display only text (and which can therefore theoretically be played on a teletypewriter) or which use other methods, such as sound or vibration, as their primary feedback device, but there are very few new games in these categories. There always must also be some sort of input device, usually in the form of button/joystick combinations (on arcade games), a keyboard & mouse/trackball combination (computer games), or a controller (console games), or a combination of any of the above. Also, more esoteric devices have been used for input (see also Game controller). Usually there are rules and goals, but in more open-ended games the player may be free to do whatever they like within the confines of the virtual universe. The phrase interactive entertainment is the formal reference to computer and video games. To avoid ambiguity, this game software is referred to as "computer and video games" throughout this article, which explores properties common to both types of game. In common usage, a "computer game" or a "PC game" refers to a game that is played on a personal computer. "Console game" refers to one that is played on a device specifically designed for the use of such, while interfacing with a standard television set. "Video game" (or "videogame") has evolved into a catchall phrase that encompasses the aforementioned along with any game made for any other device, including, but not limited to, mobile phones, PDAs, advanced calculators, etc. Beginnings The first primitive computer and video games were developed in the 1950s and 60's and ran on platforms such as oscilloscopes, university mainframes and EDSAC computers. The earliest computer game, a missile simulation, was created in 1947 by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. A patent application was filed on January 25th, 1947 and U.S. Patent #2,455,992 issued on Dec 14th, 1948. Later in 1952, was a version of tic-tac-toe named Noughts and Crosses, created by A. S. Douglas, as part of his doctoral dissertation at Cambridge University. The game ran on a large university computer called the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC). In 1958, William Higinbotham - who previously helped build the first atomic bomb - created Tennis for Two at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York to entertain visitors at the lab's annual open house. In 1962 MIT's Steve Russell created Spacewar! and John's Great Adventure. The game ran on a PDP-1 mini-computer. The game spread quickly to universities and research facilities around the country. In 1968 Ralph Baer, who would later be known as the "Father of Video Games", applied for a patent for an early version of a video game console named the "Television Gaming and Training Apparatus." In 1967, Baer created a ping-pong like game for the console that resembled Tennis for Two (and the future 1972 arcade game Pong). He worked with Magnavox to create and release the first console, named the Magnavox Odyssey, in 1972. The Golden Age of Arcade Games Arcade games were developed in the 1970s and led to the so-called "Golden Age of Arcade Games". The first coin-operated arcade game was Computer Space, created in 1971 by Nolan Bushnell. In these pre-arcade days, the game was placed in bars and taverns. The game required players to read a set of instructions before playing, and never became a hit in the bar scene. In the spring of 1972, Bushnell attended a demonstration of the Magnavox Odyssey system in Burlingame, California, and played Baer's ping-pong game for the first time. Soon afterwards Bushnell and a friend formed a new company, Atari. Nolan envisioned creating a driving game for arcades. He hired an electronic engineer named Al Alcorn and directed him to build a ping-pong game. The game Alcorn created was so much fun that Nolan decided to go ahead and market it. Since the name Ping-Pong was already trademarked, they settled on simply calling it PONG. The intuitive interface led the game to be wildly successful in the bar scene and ushered in the era of arcades. Consoles and beyond The 1970s saw the release of the first home video game consoles. The patent for Ralph Baer's Magnavox Odyssey was granted in 1972, and paved the way for the next wave of home consoles. The late 1970s to early 1980s brought about the improvement of home consoles and the release of the Atari 2600, Intellivision and Colecovision. The video game crash of 1983, however, produced a dark age in the market that was not filled until the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) reached North America in 1985. This presented Americans with games such as Mario Bros. and other Nintendo franchises, many of which are still popular today. The last two decades of game history have been marked by separate markets for games on video game consoles, home computers and handhelds. See the article on Console wars for additional information on that facet of game history. In 1989, Nintendo released the Game Boy, the first popular handheld console. Included with the system was Tetris, which became a popular puzzle game. Several rival handhelds also made their debut around that time, including the Sega Game Gear and Atari Lynx. While some of the other systems remained in production until the mid-90s, the Game Boy remained at the top spot in sales throughout its lifespan. The North American market was dominated by the Sega Genesis early on after its debut in 1989, with the Nintendo Super NES proving a strong, roughly equal rival in 1991. The NEC TurboGrafx 16 was the first 16-bit system to be marketed in the region, but did not achieve a large following, partly due to a limited library of English games and effective marketing from Sega. In Japan, the PC Engine's (Turbografx 16) 1987 success against the Famicom and CD drive peripheral allowed it to fend off the Mega Drive (Genesis) in 1988, which never really caught on to the same degree as outside Japan. The PC Engine eventually lost out to the Super Famicom, but retained enough of a user base to support new games well into the late 1990s. CD-ROM drives were first seen in this generation, as add-ons for the PC Engine in 1988 and the Megadrive in 1991. Basic 3D graphics entered the mainstream with flat-shaded polygons enabled by additional processors in game cartridges like Virtua Racing and Starfox. In 1994-1995, Sega released Sega Saturn and Sony made its debut to the video gaming scene with the PlayStation. Both consoles used 32-bit technology; the door was open for 3D games. After many delays, Nintendo released its 64-bit console, the Nintendo 64 in 1996, selling more than 1.5 million units in only three months. The flagship title, Super Mario 64, became a defining title for 3D platform games. Nintendo's choice to use cartridges instead of CD-ROMs for the Nintendo 64, unique among the consoles of this period, proved to have negative consequences. In particular, SquareSoft, which had released all previous games in its Final Fantasy series for Nintendo consoles, now turned to the PlayStation; Final Fantasy VII (1997) was a huge success, establishing the popularity of role-playing games in the west and making the PlayStation the primary console for the genre. By the end of this period, Sony had dethroned Nintendo, the PlayStation outselling the Nintendo 64. The Saturn was successful in Japan but a failure in North America, leaving Sega outside of the main competition. 1998 saw the releases of the Sega Dreamcast in Japan (1999 in the US) and the Game Boy Color from Nintendo. In 2000 Sony released the widely anticipated PlayStation 2. In 2001 Microsoft entered the videogame console industry by releasing its new home console, the Xbox. Its flagship game, Halo: Combat Evolved, being available at the system's launch. Nintendo released their successor to the Nintendo 64, the GameCube, and the first all-new Game Boy since the console's inception, the Game Boy Advance. Sega realized they could no longer compete especially with Sony's new PS2, and announced they would discontinue the Dreamcast and no longer manufacture hardware, becoming a third-party developer in 2002. Nokia entered the handheld market with its N-Gage game-phone hybrid in 2003. It was criticised for being poorly designed, and flopped. In 2004 Nokia released a re-designed N-Gage, called the N-Gage QD, which didn't fare much better. The other two more technically advanced handhelds to be released in 2004, the Nintendo DS and the PlayStation Portable (PSP) (2005 in the US), didn't help the N-Gage. The Nintendo DS is a highly innovative handheld, the PSP is much more powerful and also includes limited media capabilities. In Western countries the consoles have had similar levels of success but in Japan the DS has been a huge hit, vastly outselling the PSP. The end of 2005 saw the release of the Xbox 360 - the first of the seventh generation of video game consoles. The future of gaming Consoles 2006 will see the continuation of the next generation of console gaming in the form of two new consoles. Sony with the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii will join Microsoft with the already released Xbox 360 in this year's "technology race". The Xbox 360 is powered by a multi-core CPU, the PlayStation 3 will be powered by Cell processor technology and will have a motion sensing controller rather than the dualshock controller, and Wii will allow the gamer to interact with the game via a wireless motion sensing controller (such as using the controller in driving game by moving it left or right, or using it as a light saber in a Star Wars game) and promises more innovations, although full technical specifications are yet to be revealed; but it has been rumored that its graphics processor is similar to an ATI X1800 or a Geforce 7800GT graphics chip, one of the most effective of its kind on the market. All the next-generation consoles are starting the transition from traditional media-based games (e.g. on a cartridge or DVD-ROM) to be able to utilize streamed content that is downloaded. This innovation is possible due to the increasing ubiquity of broadband internet access and availabilty of large storage mediums on the consoles. Hardware As computers get faster in the future, games will have better graphics, more realistic details, shorter load times, and fewer glitches. Games on consoles will not require installation nor licence agreement (like PC games), as the game can be played straight from the disc. Future discs will hold more memory for bigger, deeper game worlds. Wider age groups will play games, as new types of games in other fields appear that appeal to those ages. Games will be used to teach kids and adults (for job training) in school and at home making learning fun and 'hands on', a process that has already begun. Battle simulation games are expanding into driving and car repair simulation, electronics repair simulation, surgery simulation, etc. Virtual Reality visors and touch suits, that create an illusion of fuller game immersion, may eventually come into common use when their tech problems are solved and their prices lowered. Gameplay Trends Yet another distinct form of evolution in video gaming are the trends of popular gameplay. Natural progression of and consumer demand for increased complexity has gradually forced game software companies to be more creative and expansive in their design of new games. Video games have moved not only forward in the visual dimension, but also in the very concept of restrictive goals and objectives of the game. Patterns in contemporary gameplay continue to show less distinction between "levels" or "areas" [1]. Furthermore, the linear aspect of video games has shown a popular and somewhat constant push towards non-linear or explorative gameplay. The acceptance of less restrictive and more wide-open gaming can be seen in the growing popularity of massively multiplayer online gaming (which, since the founding days of MUDs, has been a pioneer platform of never-ending objectives) as well as the Grand Theft Auto series, among numerous other examples. Such "sandbox" games lead to games where the main plot can be ignored completely for hundreds of hours, as in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and MUSH-inspired non-games like Second Life.