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  • 匹诺曹历险记观后感


  • 用英语简介匹诺曹历险记

    A magical puppet longs to be human In an Italian village, Geppetto, an old woodcarver, receives a piece of wood which looks perfect for his next project, a puppet. But when he sets to work something magical happens – the piece of wood begins to talk. When Geppetto is finished, the puppet turns out to be cheeky, naughty, and can walk, run and eat with as hearty an appetite as any young boy. Geppetto calls him Pinocchio (which means ‘pine nut’) and brings him up as his son. But Pinocchio is disobedient – he tells lies, and every time he lies, his nose grows longer. Geppetto makes many sacrifices for his adopted son, but Pinocchio finds it hard to be good. He is easily led astray, tumbling from one disastrous adventure to another in which he is robbed, imprisoned, chased by bandits and only narrowly escapes death. His friends, the Cricket and the Blue Fairy, try to make see that his dream – to be a real boy – can never come true until Pinocchio finally changes his ways. The Adventures of Pinocchio is Italy’s most famous fairy tale, first published in 1883. Its author, Carlo Collodi, wrote a great deal for children but Pinocchio is the only one of Collodi’s tales to be translated into the English language. 希望对你有帮助

  • 用英语简介匹诺曹历险记,只用几句话‘急

    said the adventures of the puppet pinocchio,the adventures of the eighteenth century italy was the writer carlo. carlo collodi for the world of classic fairy story. this is the famous italian comedy with begni, artists, for the film again, this happened in 1880, italy, some fantastic stories on the screen

  • 小木偶级奇遇记二百字作文

    我今天看了一本书,名字叫《小木偶奇遇记》。这本书讲述了有一个孤独的老木匠,有一天他做了一个会说话,又会动的小木偶。老木匠给小木偶取了个名字叫皮诺曹。老木匠把皮诺曹当成自己的孩子一样照顾。皮诺曹可真淘气啊!老本匠决定让皮诺曹去学校念书。它竟然没去学校,反而去玩了。它犯了两次错误,它终于改正了。最后它发现他自己变成了真正的小孩。 读完这本书,我谁都不喜欢。因为书中的老爷爷不管孩子,还有小木偶不上学去玩,所以我谁都不喜欢。 这个故事讲了:从前有一个很出色的木匠,他年纪很大了,却没有孩子,于是他就用木头刻了一个男孩子,名字叫皮诺曹,老木匠非常喜欢他,就送他去上学。可是,这个皮诺曹在上学的路上三心二意,一会去看马戏团表演,一会又看木偶们唱歌跳舞,还撒谎自己的课本丢了,结果鼻子“呼”的就一下子变长了,马戏团的团长告诉他:“你诚实了,鼻子才会缩短。”他赶快说了实话,鼻子才变了回来。 看了这个故事,我明白了自己有时候也会犯错,但是犯了错误并不可怕,可怕的是自己说谎,不愿意改正,只要我们像故事中的皮诺曹一样知错就改,照样还是好孩子。