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补充锦囊 完美下载小客服 2021-03-30


inBookmarks 是可以让您方便存储的书签管理工具, 支持一拖即存的功能,支持所有主要的Windows浏览器。





软件大小:879.73 KB



  • netvibes是什么啊

    是一个类似个人空间 可以通过他来了解你的一些信息 如你的QQ MSN SKYPE 等Netvibes是“个性化主页”的标榜,什么是“个性化主页”呢?用简单的语言描述,个性化主页让你登陆一个站点就能看到所有你想看的来自其他网站的内容,也就是当下流行的聚合-Syndication”。 对于用户来说,一旦选择了某个“个性化主页”服务(网站),经过初次试用的简单注册,设置,添加自己喜欢的内容后,日后的使用将会非常的方便; 一般的“个性化主页”网站都会提供一些现有的,可供用户选择的模块,比如Netvibes提供了:Web Search ,Weather,Gmail ,Yahoo! Mail,PopMail,Webnote,Flickr ,Writely Documents ,Bookmarks,To Do List,Kelkoo,Blogmarks ,del.icio.us ,FOX Sports Video,Ical viewer,Box.net web storage ,Ebay ,Digg ,AOL Music,Meebo ,Alexa Traffic 等多个模块,用户只要简单的点击几下鼠标就能轻易地把这些模块添加到自己的个性化主页中。由于这些主页来自不同的网络提供商,所以某些模块可能需要用户简单设置一下才能正常使用(比如输入帐号和密码); 用户还可以自己通过URL的方式添加仔细喜欢的其他模块,比如仔细喜欢的博客,或者SNS网站提供的站内消息的RSS订阅,甚至一些网络相册的RSS订阅。内容不限,只要你能提供一个合法的RSS种子URL地址即可; 比如我在我的Netvibes主页就订阅了Ajaxian,deep darc,Dion Hinchcliffe,Planet Jabber ,evhead,PostShow,Ray Ozzie,O'Reilly ,TechCrunch,对牛乱弹琴,GSeeker等博客以及Wealink" href="http://www.wealink.com/">Wealink 提供的站内消息RSS。 个 性化主页的确为我节约了很多宝贵的时间,每天早上第一件事情,打开电脑,我只需要打开Netvibes,就能看到我所有关心的内容更新,包括我的新 Email标题;Google甚至为Gmail用户提供了RSS阅读新邮件的功能,不过由于RSS是“单通道”,所以只能看,不能回复,如需回复邮件,还 得点击按钮直接登陆到Email服务商的网站。

  • OllyDbg 是谁发明的,它有什么主要的作用

    作者:Oley Yuschuk 主页:home.t-online.de/home/Ollydbg 作者原话: Updated help, bugfix for right click, command-line plugin cam modify registers and memory. This is the last beta. If I receive no crash notifications, in a week it will be declared final. 原说明: OllyDbg 1.10 is a 32-bit assembler-level analyzing debugger for Microsoft(R) Windows(R) with intuitive interface. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable. It predicts contents of registers, recognizes procedures, API calls, switches, tables, constants and strings, locates routines from object files and libraries, allows custom labels and comments in disassembled code, writes patches back to executable file and more. You can write your own plugins - dynamic link libraries that attach to OllyDbg and provide new functions. Plugins can insert entries into pop-up menus of OllyDbg windows, process keyboard shortcuts, save data to .ini and .udd files and call more than 170 functions exported by OllyDbg. Plugin interface is free - provided that you distribute your plugins free of charge. Installation is not necessary. Simply create new directory and unpack the contents of the zip archive. No installation means also no trash in registry and system directories. You even can start OllyDbg from the floppy disk. Distribution includes plugins bookmark.dll (bookmarks in Disassembler) and cmdline.dll (command line). This software is a shareware and Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Oleh Yuschuk. You can use it and distribute FOR FREE, provided that OllyDbg remains unchanged. Read license.txt for details. To use this software on a permanent basis or for commercial purposes, you must register OllyDbg by filling registration form and emailing it to Ollydbg@t-online.de. The registration is free of charge and assumes no financial or other obligations from both sides - just be fair and let me know that you like this software :) If you have questions, or to get the newest information and bugfixes, visit OllyDbg Internet site http://home.t-online.de/home/Ollydbg Please report encountered errors and problems to Ollydbg@t-online.de In general, I promise no support but will try to answer your questions. Hope my debugger will meet your demands, Oleh Yuschuk May 23, 2004 概述:OllyDbg结合了动态调试和静态分析。是一款用户模式调试器。可识别数千个被C和Windows频繁使用的函数,并能将其参数注释出。还可以调试多线程应用程序,从一个线程切换到另一个线程、挂起、恢复和终止,或改变他们的优先级。

  • 急!!!!!!!生活中的小发明 翻译成英文~~~

    Reader usually places the bookmarker (often a piece of rectangular paper or cloth) in the page he is reading before close the book, which will help him to find the page quickly and accurately when he continues the reading. Whereas this kind of bookmarker only help in remembering the page but not exact paragraph he finished last time and the reader therefore has to find himself. However, the precise bookmarker we have can mark the last paragraph he finished. The precise bookmarker is made of plastic with shape of rectangle. There is splint with a incision of U shape on the top of the bookmaker which can be used to fasten the itself on the page. A mobile plastic marker, having two horizontal cut lines, is in the bookmarker and the main body of the bookmark passes through by a way of knitting. Thus the marker can move freely down and up. The terminals of the two horizontal cuts can be bent and increase the friction force to fix the marker in right place. When read to a certain paragraph, put the book marker on the top of the page and move the marker to the paragraph being read and close the book. When you open the book next time, you can find the exact paragraph you want to continue.

  • organize 是什么意思?谁能帮我把它的意思和多种形式以及用法写出来,谢谢了

    organize [5C:^Enaiz] vt. 组织, 使有机化, 给予生机 vi. 组织起来 organize [5C:^Enaiz] vt. 组织; 编组; 筹备, 成立 [通常用被动语态]使有器官; 使有机化, 使成有机体 使组成工会; 使加入工会 使有条理 给...化妆 organize an army 组编军队 organize the steel industry 组成钢铁工会 organize [5C:^Enaiz] vi. 组织起来; 成立组织 [美]组织工会 成有机体 organized [`R:^EnaIzd] adj. organize or.gan.ize AHD:[ôr“g…-nºz”] D.J.[6%8g*7na!z] K.K.[6%rg*7na!z] v. or.gan.ized,or.gan.iz.ing,or.gan.iz.es v.tr. To put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole. To arrange in a coherent form; systematize: organized her thoughts before speaking. To arrange in a desired pattern or structure: “The painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest”(William Carlos Williams) To arrange systematically for harmonious or united action: organize a strike.See Synonyms at arrange To establish as an organization: organize a club.See Synonyms at found 1 To induce (employees) to form or join a labor union. To induce the employees of (a business or an industry) to form or join a union: organize a factory. v.intr. To develop into or assume an organic structure. To form or join an activist group, especially a labor union. Middle English organisen from Old French organiser from Medieval Latin organiz³e from Latin organum [tool, instrument] * see organ