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  • windows 下有没有类似 BetterTouchTool 的东西

     由于去年年中准备专心搞iOS开发,但Android也不能放弃。然后就发现eclipse是跨平台,做android开发应该是没问题。仔细查了不少资料,最后终于咬牙买了rmbp,从此走上来了ios和android开发之路。  2.安装eclipse  因mac系统里自带jdk,所以不需要再下载,也不需要在eclipse里配置jdk。  在eclipse官网上就有mac版的下载。选择第一个Mac版的Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers。我是64位的,大家可以根据自己实际情况选择。  3.安装adt  我选择的是在线安装adt插件,如果有同学网络不好,可以网上查下离线安装adt  打开eclipse - Help - Install New Software  [attachment=53799]  以上跟windows下是一样的,就不多说了。  以前的eclipse并不支持retina屏幕,但目前最新的已经解决了这个问题。如果有同学还发现eclipse显示模糊的问题,可以用试试以下两种方法  一、在Eclipse.app上点击右键 选择“显示包内容” 然后打开Contents文件夹 编辑 Info.plist。在dict的结尾标签上添加一行  <key>NSHighResolutionCapable</key>  <true/>  二、可以使用神器,把所有不支持retina的app的改成支持retina,可以在威锋网上搜索“Retinizer”  4.下载和安装mac版的android tool  打开网站 选择Mac OS X 的SDK版本进行下载。最好存放在英文目录下  剩下的都是跟windows一样的。启动后下载android各个版本的jar,并且在eclipse里配置  [attachment=53800]  5.模拟器  因为android自带的模拟器非常慢,所有有些windows上的同学会选择第三方的模拟器。很不幸,mac上目前来说并没有第三方模拟器。  android自带模拟器因为是CPU是ARM的,所以才导致太慢。其实可以在android tools里下载Intel CPU的模拟器。  可以在android tools里选择Intel  [attachment=53801]  新建模拟器的时候,选择Intel的CPU  [attachment=53802]  实验下来,速度提升不少。基本已经满足日常开发(这一点也同样适应windows)  6.真机调试(关于驱动)  令人高兴的是,mac下的adt默认支持大部分的android手机,所以,一般手机连上mac,会自动在Device里显示。  [attachment=53803]  但一些不常见的,就不能显示出来。而且mac跟windows不一样,很难找到mac下的该手机的驱动。其实这不是驱动问题,而是adt不知道该手机的USB Vendor ID。可以通过另外一个方法解决  一、首先要下载一个app:IORegistryExplorer。通过这个app可以查看连接上的USB设备的信息。选择IOUSB,可以看到名为“xxx”的设  备,找到idVendor  二、打开文件:~/.android/adb_usb.ini 。然后直接在最后一行加上idVendor的值  [attachment=53808]  最后重启adt,就可以在Devices里看到该手机的信息了。  7.一些工具的推荐  跟windows上一样,在mac上也会有各种各样的app可以提高我们的工作效率。这里列个表(以下app都可以在威锋网上找到)  一、Alfred。Alfred其实是一个app平台,他包含很多功能强大的app。比如,他可以替代系统的Spotlight,也可以作为搜索引擎的快捷入口,也可以作为多重黏贴板。  [attachment=53804]  [attachment=53805]  [attachment=53806]  二、BetterTouchTool.这是一个可以把快捷键绑定到触摸板上的app。  首先说下,mac上的触摸板非常强大,我现在已经完全抛弃鼠标,全部用触摸板替代。BTT这个app可以让触摸板的功能更加丰富。他可以添加单指,双指,三指,四指,五指的“轻按,点击,左右上下扫。四个角触摸”等组合的操作。而且他还分各种不同的app不同的配置。  [attachment=53807]  可能大家这样听起来有点迷糊,但我还是推荐大家玩下BTT,他会带你进入一个新的世界。  8.虚拟机的推荐  最后谈下虚拟机,mac毕竟不能代替主流系统windows,所以还是会有一些操作需要在windows上做。mac自带的 Boot Camp,虽然兼容windows,但切换系统的时候需要重启,非常繁琐。  在这里我推荐大家使用Parallels Desktop。这是一款mac上最优秀的虚拟机,配置简单,使用便捷。而且还有不少人写了视频教程。  9.最后总结  mac确实是非常优秀的操作系统,他的体验比windows要强大很多。不过在国内毕竟还是以windows为主,很多软件和游戏都没办法安装。但目前看来,办公和学习是没有任何问题。

  • 如何在Mac上开发Android应用

      1.前言  由于准备专搞iOS发Android能放弃发现eclipse跨平台做android发应该没问题仔细查少资料终于咬牙买rmbp走iosandroid发路  2.安装eclipse  mac系统自带jdk所需要再载需要eclipse配置jdk  eclipse官网mac版载选择第Mac版Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers我64位家根据自实际情况选择  3.安装adt  我选择线安装adt插件同网络网查离线安装adt  打eclipse - Help - Install New Software  [attachment=53799]  跟windows说  前eclipse并支持retina屏幕目前新已经解决问题同发现eclipse显示模糊问题用试试两种  、Eclipse.app点击右键 选择显示包内容 打Contents文件夹 编辑 Info.plistdict结尾标签添加行  NSHighResolutionCapable    二、使用神器所支持retinaapp改支持retina威锋网搜索Retinizer  4.载安装mac版android tool  打网站 选择Mac OS X SDK版本进行载存放英文目录  剩都跟windows启载android各版本jar并且eclipse配置  [attachment=53800]  5.模拟器  android自带模拟器非慢所些windows同选择第三模拟器幸mac目前说并没第三模拟器  android自带模拟器CPUARM所才导致太慢其实android tools载Intel CPU模拟器  android tools选择Intel  [attachment=53801]  新建模拟器候选择IntelCPU  [attachment=53802]  实验速度提升少基本已经满足发(点同适应windows)  6.真机调试(关于驱)  令高兴macadt默认支持部android手机所般手机连mac自Device显示  [attachment=53803]  些见能显示且mac跟windows难找mac该手机驱其实驱问题adt知道该手机USB Vendor ID通另外解决  、首先要载app:IORegistryExplorer通app查看连接USB设备信息选择IOUSB看名xxx设  备找idVendor  二、打文件:~/.android/adb_usb.ini 直接行加idVendor值  [attachment=53808]  重启adtDevices看该手机信息  7.些工具推荐  跟windowsmac各种各app提高我工作效率列表(app都威锋网找)  、AlfredAlfred其实app平台包含功能强app比替代系统Spotlight作搜索引擎快捷入口作重黏贴板  [attachment=53804]  [attachment=53805]  [attachment=53806]  二、BetterTouchTool.快捷键绑定触摸板app  首先说mac触摸板非强我现已经完全抛弃鼠标全部用触摸板替代BTTapp让触摸板功能更加丰富添加单指双指三指四指五指轻按点击左右扫四角触摸等组合操作且各种同app同配置  [attachment=53807]  能家听起点迷糊我推荐家玩BTT带进入新世界  8.虚拟机推荐  谈虚拟机mac毕竟能代替主流系统windows所些操作需要windows做mac自带 Boot Camp虽兼容windows切换系统候需要重启非繁琐  我推荐家使用Parallels Desktop款mac优秀虚拟机配置简单使用便捷且少写视频教程  9.总结  mac确实非优秀操作系统体验比windows要强内毕竟windows主软件游戏都没办安装目前看办公习没任何问题

  • 关于face changing 的作文

    We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges. Web-based development tools promise to dramatically improve the software development lifecycle by better matching the development environment with existing enterprise software. However, service-oriented architecture solutions architects face challenges in getting front-line developers to adopt reduced performance and features compared with desktop-based tools. At the EclipseCon conference, tool makers were looking at how to bridge this gap."My personal vision is that you wake up and realize you haven't used a desktop IDE for a week," said, Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. The Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) has grown to become the dominant Java development platform for enterprise applications, thanks in large part to support from leading technology companies like IBM and an organized development community. The Eclipse Orion and Flux projects hope to bring this same acceptance to Web-based development tools.The ideas that set Eclipse IDE in motion were forged when Microsoft was the dominant development tool that favored Microsoft's proprietary back-end databases and servers. When IBM wanted to move into this territory, they made huge bets on open source alternatives based on Java, Apache and Linux. IBM investments made a huge difference to the trajectory of open source, Milinkovich argued.At the time, the marketplace for Java development tools was highly fragmented. IBM's goal was to have a single common tooling platform for Java that would rival Microsoft in size, scale and efficiency of tools. The initiative gained significant ground when IBM was able to get other leading enterprise software companies on-board with the launch of the Eclipse Foundation for harmonizing their efforts in 2004. By 2006, about 70% of Java developers were using Eclipse-based IDEs.Cloudy futureToday the average developer is using two to three IDEs on their desktop, with the most common scenario being Eclipse and Visual Studio. In the near future, at least one of these IDEs is likely to be cloud-based. The cloud is a trend that is tremendously important and will change the face of development, Milinkovich noted. One study by Evans Research Associates predicted 67% of software developers will be using cloud-based development tools by 2019.But no one is sure what cloud-based developer tools should look like, Milinkovich said. The Orion Project has come a tremendous way in addressing some of the early challenges, but this work is still immature compared to Eclipse. Much work remains on supporting compiled languages like Java for features like syntax coloring, working offline and performance. The Eclipse Flux project, sponsored by IBM and Pivotal, could help to address many of these gaps.As enterprises move towards cloud-based applications, there is a need for development environments that are more tightly coupled with them. John Arthorne, senior software developer at IBM's Rational Software Group, said there are not great tools for developing cloud-based applications today. There is a huge disconnect between the code written on desktop-based IDEs and the cloud platforms the code needs to run on."You either have to emulate the cloud platform on the desktop, or write the code and blindly throw it over the wall," Arthorne said. The challenge is how to get to the point where we can have tools that fit the cloud platform, and, at the same time, leverage tools on the desktop. He believes Flux is a great way to do this.Why developers hate Web-based IDEsThe folks working on better tools for developing directly in the cloud have done considerable research on some of the current limitations of cloud-based tools. "It is really about the passion for the tools you have," said Ken Walker, co-lead and Web IDE Lead for IBM's Orion Project. There is also apprehension about what a cloud-based IDE can provide.Walker pointed out that many developers continue to use text-based editing tools for writing code, such as Sublime Text, Vim, Emacs and even Notepad. Developers like the speed of these simple tools, and many are reluctant to leave behind the key bindings that come with them. New development tools are going to have to be as fast as these and support their existing workflows to be accepted.IDEs such as Eclipse, NetBeans and IntelliJ can provide greater sophistication and incorporate tools for improving code quality, such as performance analysis, code analysis and refactoring support. While hundreds of people are contributing code for cloud-based IDEs like Orion, the tools are only 2 to 3 years old, so they still don't have the same level and depth of experience baked in for supporting these features.But progress is evolving with cloud-based IDEs like Codenvy, Visual Studio and IBM JazzHub. For example, JazzHub includes Orion technology for Java source code management and content assist for Node.js development. The Orion project is looking at adding important new features for collaborative development, as well.The Orion project is also working with the Flux project to better support compiled Java and C code. The goal is to leverage the Eclipse plug-ins and tools, which would help to leverage those."Developers will not move to cloud-based IDEs unless we can provide the features and performance they need," Walker said. "Web IDEs are kind of like drugs. Everyone wants to try them, but they are not sure how they will make them feel."